Miguel Morán

About me

Being a member of EGI means having the opportunity to share with this Community, the support and encouragement of a group of international professionals, highly qualified in the world of business efficiency and sustainability.

My contribution to the group is focused principally on aspects related to leadership and people management, in complex business scenarios, due to their magnitude, technical or operative complexity, where the limits mark the difference.

My experience in the technical field and also in talent management, together with an enormous conceptual richness related to the world of coaching and leadership and vast experience dealing with the top management of the best companies worldwide, offers a high added value service to our customers.



Miguel Moran has had a long professional career in the field of HR in a large multi-national dedicated to the electric, gas and communications sector. He was in charge of management related to HR for all areas and led many projects on change and innovation in the domain of human capital and people management.

In 2006, he founded his own company Rendimiento Humano Y Organizacional (RhoGroup), whose mission is to serve companies and organizations in the improvement of the their efficiency and sustainability, through leadership.

As well as CEO of RhoGroup, he collaborates on a regular basis with the University of Oviedo, The Business School of Asturias, Professional Training Centres and Federations of Businessmen.

Simultaneously, he is an excellent Management Coach, with thousands of hours of working experience with top managers and directors from all sectors, both national and international, public and private and also with highly qualified independent professionals.

He holds a degree in Psychology, Pedagogy and Industrial Engineering. Doctor in Psychology in Organizations and Organizational Learning. PNL and Transactional Analysis Practitioner. Certified auditor in AENOR and “Black Belt 6sigma”. Master in Executive Coaching from Newfield Network, (2 years, Denver, USA). Qualified and certified coach by ICF. Specialised in Coaching Excellence in Organizations by The Institute of Generative Leadership (3 years, Washington DC, USA)




Miguel Morán

Email: mmoran@rhoconsulting.es

Telephone: +34 985 33 59 16

Web: www.rhoconsulting.es

Miguel speaks Spanish and English

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