I completed the enlightening Transition Programme program and it has definitely changed my life. It has helped me to revisit the observer of the world I am and to envision a second part of life bolder, more engaged and aligned with my values. Being a member of EGI means for me being a bridge builder that connects seemingly unrelated ideas, boldly testing & continuously learning to walk in different worlds such as sciences, business, personal development and education, having a great hope in the future, thinking holistically while keeping a pragmatic approach and cultivating a tolerance for complexity & ambiguity.
I would like to bring to the world my passion to helping people unfolding their real potentials at work and organization to be an enthusiastic space for bold & meaningful conversations, co-creation & collaborative outcomes leveraged by collective intangible corporate assets such as knowledge and culture. I provide executive coaching, workshop facilitation, culture transformation consultancy and training services. I have a long experience in developing experts and knowledge workers in large companies of different industries.
I have a PhD in Physics, a MBA and I’m ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC). Holistic thinker and enthusiastic learner, I have navigated fro the last 24 years through different roles and functions from researcher in physics to now OD consultant and executive coach, through knowledge worker, strategic marketing, academic lecturer, innovation manager and business analytics executive. I spend today my professional life between Brussels and Paris. I live in Brussels with my husband and my 2 children.
ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Facilitator, Trainer and Mentor
Corporate and management experience with more than 24 years’ work experience in different companies and industries. Her domain of expertise is around strategic marketing, strategic business analytics, R&D and innovation. I have occupied different functions as analyst, middle manager and as director in Banking (ING, BNP Paribas Fortis), Energy (Tractebel Energy Engineering), Telecommunication (Proximus), Logistics (BPost), and Financial Services (Swift) industries.
The full CV is too extensive to be inserted in this section. To know about Martine George main and sideline activities, education, development and personal information, you are welcome to open and download the complete CV right below.
Martine George
Email: martine.george67@gmail.com
Telephone: +32 479 409 625
Linkedin: Click here
Martine speaks French, English and Dutch
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