Being a member of EGI has been a journey of discovery for me. From the programmes run by Kimberly and the events I have been part of, I have continued to take more, well supported ,steps along the path towards greater personal learning and enlightenment. Some of the steps were big, others smaller, some challenging, some not. All were taken with love and support from Kimberly and the community she has given birth to.
Initially, working with Kimberly arose from a coaching programme. From this grew an interest in the concept of walking on the edge and participation in both a EGI Summit in Mallorca, and several other events in London and Zurich. The Incubator programme was a source of great insight for me in helping me move forward at a difficult time in my life. It also gave me the inspiration to challenge myself to embrace both what I love with what I do for a living. Out of this came the idea of conversation cafes which I have since hosted throughout each season of the year for the past three years, embracing some wonderfully diverse topics and, in the process, meeting some wonderfully diverse people!
As I mature (that is polite for getting older..!) I find that my curiosity about life and the changing world we are fortunate to be part of, continues to grow. I have a lust for life and for living and my interests and personal projects grow accordingly. At the moment I am engaged with understanding the impact travelling has on our own personal, professional and spiritual development (and trying, painfully slowly, to write a book about it). I am also bothered, big time, by the increasing psychological distress that many men experience in their lives, but which they are too “male” to address. If I had a wish for my contribution to the Edgewalker community it would be for support and inspiration in the field of helping alleviating men’s psychological distress. Far too many young men are dying psychologically, and literally, from a lack of care and understanding.
I am still a learner, a beginner in life. I value trying to maintain that curiosity, enquiring mindset that comes with a beginner’s mind. I have nearly forty years worth of working experience, and yet I still aim to embrace a beginner’s mind. That is a challenge.
In those forty years, the experiences that have shaped me most are not just of corporate achievements: they have probably shaped me least. Far more important have been the straightforward and humbling conversations about life that I have had the privilege of having with people all over the world, in Syria,in Laos, in Ghana, in India, in Argentina. In everything I have done I have learnt a few simple truths: that people are people no matter where they live or what they do, that we all are uniquely connected by a love of life and a desire to realise something of value for ourselves and our loved ones; and that we all share the same sense of being human: despair, joy, anguish, ecstasy, love, loss, guilt and harmony.
Perhaps above all I am guided by the simple truth that what helps us most in life is a compassionate attitude and mind set to our fellow human beings. In a world which seems at times to value excessive drive and winning at all costs, I am just simply not about that. I work with people to help them find themselves and their possibilities with a stance that helps them embrace a compassionate, responsible and valuing attitude to themselves and to others.
Some years back I studied existential philosophy and I bring this to the basis of my work and interests. It is a useful guide. I am also a Buddhist with the Triratna Buddhist order. And if all this sounds too full on, what really brings me back to earth is my gorgeous golden retriever, Travis, who makes me remember everyday of just how beautiful life can be.
Senior leadership coach and development consultant with significant experience in leading, facilitating and designing programmes of change, education and training throughout the private, public and voluntary sectors. Leads own coaching, training and consultancy business as well as a private psychotherapy practice.
The full CV is too extensive to be inserted in this section. To know about Paul Swift main and sideline activities, education, development and personal information, you are welcome to open and download the complete CV right below.
Paul Swift
Telephone: +44 7774 192776
Paul speaks English
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